How Your Business Can Thrive in a Crisis Economy, with Coach Burt (Part 1)

by Amanda Abella  - June 2, 2020

My mentor, coach Michael Burt is going to discuss sales in a crisis environment.

Coach Michael Burr is considered America’s coach as he has a unique blend of a former championship basketball coach combined with an in-depth methodology of inner engineering to produce at a higher level in the business world. He was the youngest assistant head coach in the state of Tennessee, he’s written 14 books on his coaching methodology and has built a multimillion-dollar coaching business. Within his industry is his Monster Producer Coaching Program.

FREE guide

Learn how I got 300 leads in a day with referral partners.

This free guide details the 8 step process I used to build a network of referral partners that have sent me up to 300 leads in a day.

I’ve joined his coaching program, and, as a result, we’ve got more clients, more residual income, and we were able to hire a sales team.


Monster Producer Methodology

His methodology has been honed and refined over the last 12 years. Many of the people that use his methods show a significant increase. However, to gain an increase in sales, you have to show up, plugin, and do the work.

Michael has developed a methodology to build, grow, and scale business. Every month he infuses his methodology into his Monster Producers around the country. The common denominator is these business owners want to expand, do something legendary, become the top people in the world. To achieve legendary status, you have to have the proper mindset during this period, and you’ve gotta have the right tools.


Your Product or Service Isn’t Going to Sell Itself

When you have a powerful primary skill, there are all kinds of problems you can solve with that skill, and people compensate you for your expertise. If you can prove to another person that the small investment they put into you is going to give them a considerable return, then you’re going to be able to sell something. You have to do the selling, your product or service isn’t going to sell itself.

Many business owners expect either social media or the sales page of their website to do all the selling. In reality, this is just one part of the puzzle, which is what I teach in my Persuade to Profit program. You still have to talk to people and sell, mainly if you’re doing high tickets, which is what my program focuses on.


Believe That Selling High Ticket Items is Possible For You

Michael says, “When I’ve gotten in the room with big-time people, speaking at conferences with my heroes, people I grew up reading their books. Now I’m on stage and speaking with them, here’s what I figured out. They weren’t any better than us – that was my perspective, was all in my mind. Like he’s up here, and I’m down here, and he can be a millionaire, but I couldn’t, and I’m just a little basketball coach.”

Many people believe that success is out there, but only for certain people. Success if for the lucky, strong, or privileged. Nothing can be further from the truth. Many of you reading this blog are as good as if not better, if not better, than people that are earning more income than you.

That’s what Michael tells his clients all the time. “Here are people who don’t even hold a candle to you, who are super mediocre and making a hell of a lot more money than you.”


Your Success Boils Down to Possessing Two Principles

Yes, your success comes down to utilizing two principles: initiative and proper mindset. Your journey isn’t going to be easy – there’s no get rich quick, no pleasure without consciousness, wealth without work.


What you do need to do is to offer a compelling solution, following up like crazy.

Tell yourself to remove considerations and understand what we’re talking about this month in our coaching program. Then start knowing you deserve to be in the room. Michael says, “You know that your skill set has been honed and refined, you’ve reached a level of mastery. Time, attention, energy, expertise that is what you’re buying is their years of experience. People are buying my 28 years of coaching experience. That’s what they’re buying.”


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

Activating Your Prey Drive, with Coach Burt (Part 2)

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