Ask Amanda: How Do I Finally Find My Freakin’ Niche?

by Amanda Abella  - December 11, 2018

I decided to do something different with my podcast this week. I wanted to sit down to answer questions that I receive from the Make Money Your Honey community. One of the most popular questions that I receive is “How can you find your niche for your online business?”.

I talk with a lot of different bloggers and creatives, and I’ve even hosted a few events. My recent workshop for South Florida Bloggers involved me teaching the entire workshop on how you could find your niche. So, here are a few tips that I have to help you finally find your freakin’ niche.

Find Your Niche- The Technical Way

In my Make Money Your Honey Academy, I teach my students in depth on how to find their niche. One of the difficulties that I had personally was trying to be strategic about my marketing. Once I nailed my marketing down, my niche started to come to the surface.

Your very first step should be market research. For example, when I wrote my book “Make Money Your Honey”, it didn’t start as a book. I wanted to figure out what my next steps were to grow my business, and I decided to start group coaching. To do so, I sent out an email to my email list and asked if they would let me pick their brain. That, my friends, is the type of market research that I mean.

In my quest to start group coaching, I found out that my readers wanted finance and entrepreneurship help. One of the biggest questions I received was “ How do I start a business like you have?”. Answering questions like that is what formulated the content of my book, and in return, I found that money was my jam. So I decided to write about money going forward because I knew I loved it, and my audience wanted that. That’s how I found my niche. By being technical, strategic, and listening to what my audience wanted.

Find Your Niche- The Creative Way

The creative side to help you find your niche is to look at what you have to offer that’s unique. While there can never really be anything “new” specifically, that doesn’t mean you can’t set yourself apart from others.

For example, Look at what you can bring to the table. Your experience is also going to set you apart from others. Competition is also dead. Collaboration with people in your field is how you are going to reach people.

Take a step back and look at your experience, your personality, and your story. From there, you should be able to look at what you have to offer, and in return, you may find your niche.

For me, my story started in 2010. When I started creating my online business, I went 6 months without a traditional job. That’s my story. That helps me stand apart from the crowd of personal finance bloggers. I also love practical art and design, and I feel like that is one of the unique pieces to my brand. I’m always thinking of ways to make my brand and website beautiful, and to many people, that stands out.

Embracing what sets me apart from other bloggers has helped me in terms of branding and combining my market research to narrow and find my niche.

Many people ask  “Well how long does that take?”, and that all depends on you. I went through an almost 5-year process, and to this day I’m still not complete. I am always refining my brand and niche, making it better, and making it more strategic. It’s a creative process. 

Freebie Alert:

With this episode, you can download a worksheet that walks you through learning how to find your niche. You can download it for free, and start working on your technical and creative ways to help narrow down and find your niche.

Of course, I love hearing your questions, so if you have anything you want to ask and have me answer on my Ask Amanda segments, you can tweet me or shoot me an email. And remember, it’s time you make money your honey.


Resources Mentioned Or That Add Value to This Episode: 



How I Keep My Business Running While I Travel

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