LaDawn on Having a Fiscally Fit Company

by Amanda Abella  - May 26, 2020

Why LaDawn and I Aren’t Comfortable With Some Businesses

You have a responsibility to have a fiscally fit company. How do you do that, my friend?

As a business leader, you have a fiscal responsibility to make your business financially stable, and that means doing it at all costs within the rules of the law, with ethics and good moral standing. Liz Simpson, one of my other business best friends, kicked me in the butt about sales. Before she kicked me, I remember being so afraid of sales for the past ten years. So here I am, I have just quit my job.

I was trying to cold call 80 to 100 companies a day for my new business, knocking on doors cold, working 40 to 50 hours a week. I would cold call the UK at four in the morning to try and get customers. Did it all wrong, gave them so much free value. They turned their companies around and didn’t hire me. To this day, we still talk to those companies because they remember me.


Everyone Has Something to Sell

Everyone has something to sell. I’ve seen a homeless man on the street go and dig in the trash can, clean it up and then sell stuff on the corner. Hear my heart when I say to get out of your feelings because when we go back to a new normal, you will either be a business owner that has gained momentum, moving forward and gaining major victory in your business, or you’re going to get run over. The company you leave on the table will come to people that will go for your business.


Who got comfortable? Break that down.

I’m never comfortable, but look, part of the mistake I see in many business people, and they’ve admitted it, they got comfortable when their company was excellent.

I saw many business owners online who could be making a killing right now. They could have started pivoting their businesses three years ago. That’s what we started doing in the event of a market correction. They’ll admit, they’re comfortable, they thought everything would be great. That’s a lesson I have learned one too many times, the hard way. You can not allow yourself to get comfortable.

There’s a coach that you and I follow, coach Michael Burt. He talks about going to bed hungry. Reset at midnight, wake up hungry.

This isn’t just coping. This is a conversation for those that are hunters. When we talk about people getting comfortable, here’s what I see from the small business, medium, large enterprise. Our sweet spot we work with is typically a minimum of eight to 10 million or one to 300 employees. Even in those companies, people are comfortable, and it’s because they’re not hunters. We’ve gotten too comfortable in just having leads fed to us or having a business.

A hunter mentality starts at the top. As a CEO, I’m a hunter, I’m looking for where I can hunt. Our next remarket will be hit and run. We’re going to see the difference between the marketers and the salespeople because the salespeople are going to win.


Why Salespeople Are Going To Win in the New Marketplace

Salespeople, sales, and marketing should always live hand in hand. They should never be two separate shops. Your sales system must be proactive. You have to talk to someone on the phone. For those of you that want to sell $50,000 packages, you’re going to have to have a conversation. How are you going to handle that conversation?

It would be best if you had a tough moment. It would help if you had something that makes you want to cry, punch a wall, or go to bed. At that moment, my friend, you have the opportunity to say, is this going to conquer me, or am I going to conquer? As a leader, we’re called to have the answers, but sometimes we don’t, and we have to give ourselves space and freedom to say I’m working on it.


Don’t Let the Storm Take You Out

Sometimes the storm comes to you, and it will say, I’m the storm. I’m going to take you out, and you need to stand and say I am the storm. I will tell you as a woman that had a father with a third-grade education that he told me the word can’t wasn’t a real word until I was 12 years old, and my English teacher had to show me in the dictionary. That’s the mentality I was raised with.

The reason we’re so passionate is that Amanda and I have had the storm come to us saying, I’m going to take you out girl, and we’re going to say not today because it’s not going to happen. As a business owner, you need to have the will to say; the storm won’t take me out. You have to pivot and keep going.


What To Do When Your Deals Aren’t Closing

What should you do when deals are not closing? I have a colleague that’s a speaker, and her income dropped by 80% recently. She told me that she’s so joyful, I’m like, are you serious? She said I’m pivoting baby. It would be best if you run with those people. If people tell you, I’m going to talk to you later, get off the phone because you don’t want their negative energy. Pray for them, love them, but you have to pivot and keep going. When you pivot, you have to pivot fast.


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

Upper Limit Problem Example: Are You Self-Sabotaging?

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