Are you a business owner or blogger who is feeling confused about your niche? Are you interested in several subjects and not sure how to put them together?

This worksheet will walk you through the exact process that helped me nail down my target market and create a six-figure blog and business!
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I remember what it was like to start my online business.

I had a blog that was doing pretty well and I'd gotten a bit of a following.

The problem was I couldn't focus so I could monetize!

I spent YEARS spinning my wheels trying all sorts of different avenues - from health and fitness, to money to career advice.

Doing all of these things at the same time got me nowhere and I was beginning to get frustrated.

And then a twist of fate happened.

I did 100 conversations when I was in the process of launching my book, Make Money Your Honey. Those conversations are what helped create the book.

I launched the book in January 2013 and it shot up to bestseller status!

In that moment, I had an important lesson.

I realized I had to give people what they want in order for me to have a successful business.

I also couldn't be a jack of all trades, I had to be a subject matter expert.

I had unknowingly and accidentally found my niche - finance!

Fast forward to now and I have a multiple six-figure business, I get paid to travel and speak, I work on campaigns with Fortune 500 companies and I have some of the best coaching clients in the world!

I also now teach amazing business owners like you how to know your audience so well that your marketing and sales is easy!

My clients have gone from making $1000 per month to six-figures within a year, have gotten full features in Forbes and are getting paid thousands of dollars per client!

This is possible for you too. And it all starts with clarity.

Download your free worksheet below! 

Amanda Abella
Amanda Abella is an Amazon bestselling author, keynote speaker, brand ambassador, award winning podcaster and business coach with a decade of experience in the online business space.

Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Inc, USA Today and more! She's also worked with some of the country's top companies like Capital One, TransUnion, Progressive Insurance and many more!

Amanda is also the creator of the bestselling business training, Persuade to Profit, where clients have been able to 12X their business revenue in a few short months!

Amanda now focuses on helping her 6-figure clients streamline and systematize their sales systems so they can earn more while working less.

" The Secret To Building a Profitable Business Without Breaking The Bank "
Available for a Limited Time Only
Alisa Zipursky
Activist, Consultant, Speaker and Writer 

In 2018 Alisa was at her wit's end. After three years of writing a blog she was exhausted from all the free labor she was doing. She knew she was on to something big, but she didn't know how to create the strategy. Through our work together she:

- Got crystal clear on her niche and business model!
- Got crystal clear on who her target client is and what they want!
- Created offerings that catered to the specific needs of the market!
- Went from making $0 for three years straight to closing $20k clients!

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